Thursday, September 26, 2013

Energy Vampires v Cheer Squads

I had a few visits from energy vampires this week. You know the ones – those people in your life who have the uncanny ability to suck the energy out of you with their words or actions. Recognising their impact is a first step, but going from that to taking away the impact of their energy drain is a step I often struggle with!
Since I cannot just avoid these people, I decided to balance their energy with the positive energy that I feel when members of my Cheer Squad are around. These are people who believe in our dreams unconditionally, the ones who always manage to inspire us and remind us why we are on this path, the ones with whom a single conversation can send us soaring with ideas again.
I am so incredibly lucky to have some amazing people in my life who inspire me so after some bumpy moments with energy vampires, I managed to rediscover my confidence and try again.
Identifying the energy vampires in our lives and working out strategies to minimise their impact (which may include avoiding them if possible) is important. But even more so is identifying the members of our Cheer Squads – there will be different members you turn to at different times: some for a cuddle or a cup of tea, some for a “bitch session” to let you get it out of your system (although not too much before encouraging you to move on!), some for a debate on the issue and others for offering advice. Each is important and knowing who in your Cheer Squad will help replenish your energy and confidence when you need it will make it easier when those energy vampires come visiting.
However, as one of my Cheer Squad reminded me this week, sometimes it us who needs to change our perspective of these energy vampires and view them with compassion. What are they facing in their lives which is making them in need of energy? Or are they trying to teach us a lesson we need to learn . . . patience, perhaps? Changing the lens through which we view them can limit their ability to drain our energy.
Always remember to share your gratitude with your Cheer Squad too and be there when they need you to return the favour. And don’t turn into an energy vampire yourself for members of your Cheer Squad!
Thanks so much to my amazing Cheer Squad for helping me to replenish my energy this week. You are all wonderful and I am so lucky to have you in my life.