Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The power of gratitude - and daughters!

I have long believed in the power of gratitude to contribute to our happiness. After all, it is difficult to be angry/frustrated/sad/[insert any other negative emotion here] if you are feeling grateful for the wonderful things in your life. It could be the little things (a smile from a loved one, an unexpected green light on the way to work) or the big things (a new job, a wonderful relationship). There is always something to be grateful for which will put a smile on your face -try it!

Today, it was my daughter, Nimu, who wins my Hero of the Day Award! We've been without gas (and therefore hot water) for weeks due to the gas shortage in Kathmandu. Knowing I was desperate for a hot shower, my incredible daughter surprised me - telling me there was hot water and to come quickly to shower. I dashed down, thinking she was joking but hopeful nonetheless. And she had boiled 2 buckets full of hot water for me! The feeling of the hot water running over my body made me feel human again - and overwhelmed with gratitude for the hot water, for the electricity being on so I could sit in front of the heater afterwards (we only have 5 hours of electricity a day so lots to be grateful for when it's on, especially unexpectedly), but most importantly, an incredible sense of gratitude for my amazing daughter who really is the best daughter in the whole wide world!

So after a long, busy week and a month of no hot water, the power of gratitude (and a bit of hot water!) to put a smile back on my face sure worked for me. Try it, I guarantee it will work.

You can start with being grateful next time you flick a switch and the light comes on or turn on the tap and hot water comes out! Enjoy!

And thanks, Nimu, I love you so much!

Be happy, healthy and have fun!
Bec xoxo

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